Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Buying Handmade

Hello all! What a crazy past few days it has been: lots of movies, lots of sewing, lots of cleaning.

I'd firstly like to touch on the latest movie I watched, 'Black Swan'.

Words cannot express how amazing this movie was. It was beautifully crafted and the way it drags you into its' psychological wrath is thrilling. I would recommend this movie to everyone! I haven't stopped thinking about it.

Secondly, lots of sewing has been done! *phew*.  Yesterday I whipped up 5 crayon pouches (some for gifts, some for sale), sewed some of the pink baby blanket, sewed a bunting and planned out some ideas for the ruby&lo kids range! I'm really looking forward to it all coming together. Although, I have to go to uni 5 days a week this semester an I am not looking forward to it one bit.

My playsuits that I ordered as a gift for my niece arrived, and she absolutely adores them! (As do her parents). Kristy over at My Kitchen Table did an amazing job, you should all head over and check out her work!

Aren't they just the sweetest? I'm interested if any of you have seen 'Black Swan' yet...what are your thoughts? Leave them in a comment below!

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